Archive: Patience

Care of the sick—Again Sr. Paz

St. Benedict, in Chapter 36 of The Rule, tells us “Care of the sick must rank above and before all else, so that they may be truly served as Christ, for [Jesus] said: “I was sick and you visited me” (Matt 25:36) “The music that arrived to stay” is the title of a radio station in Mexico City that my mother loves to listen to.

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Wait Sr. Monika

I was born in the front seat of our car. Dad made it to the hospital driveway. The doctor and nurses came outside on that early, snowy February morning to help Mom and me. One nurse took my 11 month old sister, one nurse took me, one nurse took Mom, and Dad went to the ER to have his broken thumb looked at.

Read the full post: Wait Sr. Monika

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