Of Monasticism, Jello, and Corn ...by Sr. Anna-Camille
When I began to pursue the path of religious life, I knew there would be things I would be called on to give up. And I thought I knew what they were. Of course, I hadn’t consulted with God about this so what actually happens has been a constant surprise. One of the things I was pretty sure I would be letting go of was traveling.
Read the full post: Of Monasticism, Jello, and Corn ...by Sr. Anna-Camille
SMU Students Come Visiting ....by Sr. Paz
Last Tuesday, April 2, was a wonderful evening. Seven young women from Saint Martin’s University visited us along with Campus Minister Nick Hoffman. I welcomed them at the Priory’s entrance, where it was very nice to meet familiar faces--Reine, Nick, Bianca, and greet new faces--Lillian, Daniela, Carina, Carmelina and Delaney. I gave them a tour of the Spirituality Center, and the Stations of the Cross—created and donated to the Priory by artists Renata and Walter Siegl.
Read the full post: SMU Students Come Visiting ....by Sr. Paz
Community is a Verb ....by Sr. Monika
When I was vocation director many years back I wrote a little reflection on the topic of community. I called it, “Community is a Verb. ” I want to revisit that reflection. Community life is beautiful. Prayer calls us together three or four times a day.
Changing of the Guard
On the day I changed places with Sister Monika and became subprioress, at dinner time she made me an official present: the telephone she had used in her bedroom to receive night time emergency calls. Well, I was thrilled. The phone and I had a running battle for years—until at last that thorn was removed from my side by a kindly prioress. Amazing how many people called us when they thought they were calling St.
The Contemplation Pond: The Space that brings our questions to life
For the past few weeks, the focus of my contemplation has been on silence. Silence has its own chapter in the Rule of Benedict, chapter 6. The word silence in the Rule is interpreted to mean “to refrain from speech” or to be silent. Many of us have places around the monastery that may engender in us a contemplative inner quiet. My own cell is this space for me.
Read the full post: The Contemplation Pond: The Space that brings our questions to life
Living at St. Placid | Viviendo en el Priorato San Plácido
I am Paz Vital. My name means peace and my last name means life. I am originally from Mexico City, where I lived most of my life. I moved to the States in 2009. I planned to live with part of my family in California but work took me to Houston, Texas. I was working at the medical center doing basic research.
Read the full post: Living at St. Placid | Viviendo en el Priorato San Plácido