Mother Ocean
Our ocean mother covers almost 75% of our earth with her mantle of water! From these massive and majestic ocean bodies we receive so many gifts: marine life, the enjoyment of beauty beyond measure, oxygen from photosynthesis (the breath of life), nutrients, weather and climate influences, a source of transportation, a source of food, a source of swimming and recreational activities--and the list goes on and on! Our oceans bring us joy too! Recently I had the opportunity to enjoy the…
The Garden Is Coming Sr. Paz Vital
Sr. Angela had some tomato and pepper seeds that she collected when she was doing research and presenting her scientific results in different places around the world. Last year she planted some of these mysterious seeds (she doesn’t know what kind of peppers or tomatoes they were and where exactly she collected them). I also received some of these mysterious seeds and planted them. Only three beautiful tomato plants showed up and two pepper plants.
Read the full post: The Garden Is Coming Sr. Paz Vital
Getting Fired Up Sr. Monika
Sunday, May 19 is Pentecost in the Christian tradition. It is a solemnity marking the day the believers, who were shivering in fear, received the Holy Spirit. On that day the Spirit descended upon the believers as tongues of fire, and did they ever get fired up!--even to the point of praising God in various languages that everyone understood. Howard Thurman said, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask instead, ‘What makes you come alive?’ and go DO THAT.
I Take Refuge in God My Love | Me Refugio en Dios, mi Amado
"Sustain me O God as you have promised that I may live, And disappoint me not in my Hope!" For almost ten years these verses have been my refuge, my mantra in difficult times. I know God is always with me. I know it is me who forgets it, and acts as if my life is in my hands or as if I am alone. These words remind me to take refuge in God alone.
Read the full post: I Take Refuge in God My Love | Me Refugio en Dios, mi Amado