Archive: Isolation


Last week Sister Dorothy wrote about care of the sick from the point of view of the caregiver. She quoted The Holy Rule of St. Benedict which places the greatest importance on caring for those who are sick. On a Tuesday in June I began to feel unwell.   The healthcare team advised me to move to the infirmary.   I watched as my sisters got the bed made and the room ready for me.

Read the full post: Appreciation

My Time in Jail--er, Isolation

I had intended to talk about my preparations for my First Monastic Profession in this post, but some fortuitous events changed my topic. This is the story. On Thursday, June 15, I felt a little tickle in my throat after Mass. After that I read on our community bulletin board that one retreatant tested positive for COVID and was in the hospital—for other medical reasons. Anyway, I decided to be very cautious and take a COVID test.

Read the full post: My Time in Jail--er, Isolation

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