Archive: Food

Still Shopping Sr. Anna-Camille

I am the Sisters Speak Week 5 blogger, so I only write every few months. My last two posts were about my experiences as the Main Kitchen grocery shopper. It’s been almost exactly 6 months since I began this adventure, and I thought after two blog posts there really couldn’t be anything else to say. I was wrong. So, I am hoping you are able to bear with me through one more post about shopping.

Read the full post: Still Shopping Sr. Anna-Camille

The Cantaloupe & I--Adventures of a Monastic Shopper Part Sr. Anna-Camille

It’s time to talk about the cantaloupe incident. In my defense, I am a reasonably experienced cantaloupe buyer and had never experienced a cantaloupe malfunction. Will this thing go off?! But that Wednesday was the day. I approached the melon table at Safeway innocently enough, having no idea what awaited me. I selected a small watermelon with no difficulty. Then I began looking for a good cantaloupe.

Read the full post: The Cantaloupe & I--Adventures of a Monastic Shopper Part Sr. Anna-Camille

In Search of EVOO: Adventures of a Monastic Shopper Part 1 Sr. Anna-Camille

We are blessed at St. Placid to have a wonderful chef, Nicolas Koska, cooking our meals. He has been with us for about a year and a half now and continues to surprise and amaze us with his creative, delicious meals. He also makes desserts and pastries and makes all our bread; sourdough, rye, dinner rolls, slider buns, you name it, Nico makes it.

Read the full post: In Search of EVOO: Adventures of a Monastic Shopper Part 1 Sr. Anna-Camille

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