El Dia de los Muertos | Day of the Dead ...by Sr. Paz
The Day of the Dead is here. I am really excited about it. It is a bittersweet celebration. It is like sugar, salt, lime and tequila, which sounds like a weird combination, but tastes great as a margarita! I am so excited because finally this year I am facilitating a retreat about my favorite celebration. This celebration reminds me of my colorful culture with their smells of food and flowers to honor the memories of our deceased loved ones.
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Day of the Dead | Feast of All Souls
These last years, with the pandemic and the wars, the people of the whole planet have a strong need to mourn all our losses. Our sense of safety and tranquility has been challenged, and we don’t have a communal way of acknowledging, mourning, and processing all these losses. For this, we can return to the wisdom of the ancients—like the Mexican cultures and Benedictine wisdom—and make them new. St. Benedict exhorts us: “Keep death daily before your eyes.