Benedictine Women: Under 55

This picture of Sisters Raphaela and Paz represents the most serious photo that was taken of us at Norfolk. Needless to say, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

This past weekend, Sr. Paz and I attended the annual gathering of Under 55 Benedictine Women in Norfolk, Nebraska. The Missionary Benedictines of Norfolk hosted our meeting. More than fifty women, from eighteen different communities across the U.S. and Mexico, focused on developing ways to enter into collaboration with other Benedictine communities nationwide on a range of topics. There is no shortage of common interests for planning into an emerging future for Benedictine monastic life when we are all together.

Discovering Benedictine sisters from other monastic communities with common interests and goals has been more difficult than one might think. Up until now, this type of gathering has been the principle means of generating collaborative efforts and projects. However, now that the integration of virtual meeting platforms has become commonplace (a blessing of the COVID pandemic) our far-flung monasteries are able to work more closely--beyond such momentary gatherings--than we ever have been.

We also participated in service projects for Orphan Grain Train and Mercy Meals as a testimony of our shared global ministry of charity and concern for the world and the planet. For more information on these organizations see and

As both a participant and a member of the planning committee for the event, I found our collective time together rich, inspiring and rewarding.



  • Comment posted by Lisette Fonder on August 5, 2023 at 8:10AM (16 months ago)

    I enjoyed seeing all the Bdnedictines under 55! As an older person (81) it gives me a great deal of hopr for the future. As an Oblate, OSB and Benedictine values have meant a great deal to me.

    Thank you, Lisette Fonder, Oblate (Holy Wisdom, Madison WI)

  • Comment posted by Sister Laura Swan on July 28, 2023 at 9:01AM (17 months ago)

    Hope for the future indeed!

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