Fallow Time ....by Sr. Monika
The psalmist wrote, “. . . the hills are arrayed with flocks; the fields are blanketed with grain. ” I enjoy these images. Blankets of grain. It isn’t hard to imagine such a glorious scene. The earth in our part of the world is bursting with new life right now–hyacinths, violets, fruit trees, big leaf maples.
What Is Love? How Do We Do It? ....by Sr. Dorothy
“I did not understand that love is primarily a language of presence. And that the nature of any form of love is revealed in its acts more than in its words. ” --Michael D. O’Brien, quoted in On the Edge of Eternity, A Biography of Michael D. O’Brien by Clemens Cavallin.
Read the full post: What Is Love? How Do We Do It? ....by Sr. Dorothy
SMU Students Come Visiting ....by Sr. Paz
Last Tuesday, April 2, was a wonderful evening. Seven young women from Saint Martin’s University visited us along with Campus Minister Nick Hoffman. I welcomed them at the Priory’s entrance, where it was very nice to meet familiar faces--Reine, Nick, Bianca, and greet new faces--Lillian, Daniela, Carina, Carmelina and Delaney. I gave them a tour of the Spirituality Center, and the Stations of the Cross—created and donated to the Priory by artists Renata and Walter Siegl.
Read the full post: SMU Students Come Visiting ....by Sr. Paz