Space and Privacy Sr. Julian
When I was growing up, ‘space’ meant outer space: galaxies, planets, even black holes. I became curious about the time when ‘space’ began to mean something personal. Around 1963, cultural anthropologist Edward Hall began identifying various forms of distance (Proxemics: “study of the amount of space that people feel it necessary to set between themselves and others”). Later, Neuropsychology came along and began to investigate ‘space’ in its extrapersonal, peripersonal and percutaneous forms.
Putting It All Together Sr. Monika
Life is just not easy. Life is life--with its challenges, problems, peaks of enjoyment, and depths of despair--no matter what lifestyle you choose or where you live. I happen to live in a monastery, and I know this lifestyle is no refuge from the “cares of the world. ” So when I need a refuge, I turn to a jigsaw puzzle and let the puzzle process teach me its wisdom.
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Doers of the Word Sr. Dorothy
In a recent post on his blog, Seattle Archbishop Paul Etienne wrote about the Synodal journey and about St. James. James was not one to say “I believe” and then sit on his laurels. He was clear that faith and belief in the love of Jesus and the grace of God were not enough for a Christian.