Archive: April 2024

Fallow Time Sr. Monika

The psalmist wrote, “. . . the hills are arrayed with flocks; the fields are blanketed with grain. ” I enjoy these images. Blankets of grain. It isn’t hard to imagine such a glorious scene. The earth in our part of the world is bursting with new life right now–hyacinths, violets, fruit trees, big leaf maples.

Read the full post: Fallow Time Sr. Monika

What Is Love? How Do We Do It? Sr. Dorothy

“I did not understand that love is primarily a language of presence. And that the nature of any form of love is revealed in its acts more than in its words. ” --Michael D. O’Brien, quoted in On the Edge of Eternity, A Biography of Michael D. O’Brien by Clemens Cavallin.

Read the full post: What Is Love? How Do We Do It? Sr. Dorothy

SMU Students Come Visiting Sr. Paz

Last Tuesday, April 2, was a wonderful evening. Seven young women from Saint Martin’s University visited us along with Campus Minister Nick Hoffman. I welcomed them at the Priory’s entrance, where it was very nice to meet familiar faces--Reine, Nick, Bianca, and greet new faces--Lillian, Daniela, Carina, Carmelina and Delaney. I gave them a tour of the Spirituality Center, and the Stations of the Cross—created and donated to the Priory by artists Renata and Walter Siegl.

Read the full post: SMU Students Come Visiting Sr. Paz

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