Archive: March 2024

An Encounter at Midnight Sr. Anna-Camille

One year when I was teaching 6th grade, King County offered free worm bins--worms and all--to any interested classroom. I was definitely interested so that year became the year of the worm bin. As you might expect, some of the kids were fascinated, some grossed out beyond their ability to put into words, and a few were mostly indifferent. In their experience, teachers often did inexplicable things, and this was just one more thing to add to the list.

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What I notice Sr. Monika

When I finish a piece of art, I'm not really finished with it. I like to look at it now and then and see if I notice more in it than I originally thought or intended. Often, I find more than I expected.           In this example called Hearts A-Blossoming, I see motion--lines swirling around the heart of things.   Hearts blossoming, flowing out from the center. God's heart, my heart, the hearts of everyone.

Read the full post: What I notice Sr. Monika

Care of the sick—Again Sr. Paz

St. Benedict, in Chapter 36 of The Rule, tells us “Care of the sick must rank above and before all else, so that they may be truly served as Christ, for [Jesus] said: “I was sick and you visited me” (Matt 25:36) “The music that arrived to stay” is the title of a radio station in Mexico City that my mother loves to listen to.

Read the full post: Care of the sick—Again Sr. Paz

Where is the Kingdom? Sr. Dorothy

Our community has had Associate members for many years. One of them has a sister who is a member of Madonna House in Canada. Madonna House was founded by Catherine de Hueck Doherty, whose writings we have used sometimes as readings in our chapel. Catherine was an inspired and inspiring woman, and her faith, work and heritage live on at Madonna House and in its members.

Read the full post: Where is the Kingdom? Sr. Dorothy

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