Archive: June 2023

A Late Vocation: “Always we begin again”

The word vocation comes from the Latin word “vocatio," and it means to call; a vocation is a calling. In our time, it has come to mean specifically a calling to religious life but in Latin it is any occupation that someone is called to, has a gift for, or desires to do. But I think there are three parts to any vocation. Sister Anna-Camille, OSB There is the “vocatio”--the call.

Read the full post: A Late Vocation: “Always we begin again”

Many Hats!

Hi, I'm Sr. Julian. Welcome to our Priory Blog. Glad you're stopping by. . . . Before coming to the monastery, as an attorney I helped folks get Social Security disability benefits, and I'm interested in immigration law and have some experience in that.

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A Time to Be

American Prosperity Gospel says, “Have faith! Work Hard! God will reward you with treasure. ” Jesus says to Martha, “You are worried over many things…” God says to Moses, “Tell Pharaoh, ‘I AM sends you. ’” During retreat this past week God challenged me to simply BE. I had plans to read certain books. It didn’t happen. I had sewing to do. I even set it out, ready for the scissors. It didn’t happen.

Read the full post: A Time to Be

What Do You Do...?

“What do you do in the monastery?” This is a question we hear fairly often. And one answer might be the words attributed to St. Francis of Assisi: “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words. ” The act of living in community can be a powerful illustration of people from different backgrounds living in peace together.

Read the full post: What Do You Do...?

Following the Footsteps of St. Benedict

From May 8 to May 18, three Benedictine Novices, Dorothy Herring, Sonja Weber and I, were at the Novice and Director Institute (NADI) retreat at Sacred Heart Monastery in Cullman, Alabama. This retreat was part of our preparation for Initial Monastic Profession. We had a very tight schedule.

Read the full post: Following the Footsteps of St. Benedict

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