
Last week Sister Dorothy wrote about care of the sick from the point of view of the caregiver. She quoted The Holy Rule of St. Benedict which places the greatest importance on caring for those who are sick.

On a Tuesday in June I began to feel unwell.  The healthcare team advised me to move to the infirmary.  I watched as my sisters got the bed made and the room ready for me. I felt so grateful and humbled to be served in that way. It was evening and I knew these sisters were already tired from their day's work.

Wednesday morning I went to urgent care and discovered I was positive for Covid 19. A sister met up with me at urgent care and she made sure I got home safely. I was pretty miserable. I went back to bed.

 The healthcare team organized volunteers who brought my meals and checked in on me. Once again I was grateful and humbled by the service so graciously and generously given.  I was in isolation in the infirmary for ten days. One sister brought me a McDonald's breakfast just for fun and to break up the monotony. How great was that?




 I was thrilled to be released from isolation... and the timing couldn't have been better. Another sister came down with Covid and so it all started over again. The room was cleaned, new bed sheets on the bed, and volunteers appeared at hand to bring her food and necessities. If you have to be sick a Benedictine monastery is a good place to be.

I give thanks to God for community. I give thanks for sisters who go beyond the call of duty. I give thanks for restored health - and for the chance to serve others when they need my help.



  • Comment posted by Laura Elizabeth Swan on July 22, 2023 at 2:21PM (17 months ago)

    The value of teamwork!

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