A Mug for All Seasons ....by Sr. Julian

Our lives here at St Placid Priory have a daily rhythm which is guided by a liturgical calendar. Isn’t a calendar just a calendar? Well, no, not always. The liturgical calendar is both different and similar to a normal everyday calendar.

Both the liturgical and secular calendars mark special seasons such as Christmas and Easter. But the liturgical calendar also reflects which days are Catholic solemnities and feasts and seasons such as Lent and Advent. Our way of life is a yearly journey through these seasons, essentially a walk with Jesus through his life.

Easter mugs

So what do mugs at our Priory have to do with a liturgical calendar? Oddly enough—plenty! Coffee and tea mugs and cups celebrate the season at hand. These little ordinary vessels carry the season outside our chapel into the dining room, the office, outdoors—pretty much anywhere.

Fall mugs

Do you have a special mug? I have several which I enjoy at different times of year. These common vessels are not only practical but add a sense of beauty to our days. A splash of color, these are visible images of the splendor of our ordinary living.

These little mugs may serve as a reminder too. A reminder of the season. A kind of centering, if you will. A practical yet artistic reminder of the meaning of our lives.

The cup a sister chooses may be a reflection of her thinking, her emotions, her prayer, her love of color, etc. Of course, she may just casually grab a cup off the shelf as well. I wonder if the cups you choose sometimes have meaning for you, too?

These vessels can be selected by a sister for their efficiency. She may need a larger coffee one morning and opts for a larger mug. The same is true for a smaller brew. The inside, as well as the outside, of a mug might offer a delightful color or attractive artwork. A left-handed sister might find a particular mug easier to handle.

Christmas mugs

Some of our mugs are handcrafted by Sister Monika, our resident artisan. With color and design, Sister Monika creates mugs which reminds us of the beauty of Life, and the beauty of our lives too.

Other mugs may have been gifts from family and friends. These can be a reminder of those dear ones, a reminder to be thankful for them, a reminder to pray for their intentions. Mugs with personal meaning.

We have mugs with “St. Placid Priory” on them. One such mug was printed to mark the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of our community's founding in 1952.

Benedictine mugs

Next time you reach for a mug, pause for a moment. Think about what that mug means for you. Just a casual choice? or is there some deeper meaning for you? --Then enjoy your brew!







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