A Gift of Time and Space ...by Sr. Laura
Tranquil time at Holly House
Monasteries can be busy places. At least for us. Normally I carve out an hour here and an hour there to research, think and write. But the gift of uninterrupted time for writing is valuable. I have been gifted by the Board of Hypatia-in-the-Woods with a few days to do just that.
This is a simple and beautiful place. I sit at their knotty pine table looking out at old forest--and if I look closely--the Puget Sound. Being mildly ADD, I can move between projects, do a bit of reading, eat when I remember, and then back to writing. I am mostly focused on writing the history of my monastery.
I am surrounded by the creativity of former residents. Large and small pieces of original artwork, books of poetry, small beautiful touches and even displays of rocks, shells, feathers, and other interesting "findings" displayed in creative ways. There is a collection of diaries, past and present, which I was encouraged to read. Not only have I read of their experiences here, but some left small samples of their artwork inside.
If your creative spirit would benefit from time and space alone, I highly recommend applying for a stay at Holly House.
NOTE: "for writers, visual artists, academics, playwrights and artists in other fields" --from the website of Hypatia in the Woods
Comment posted by Lucy M Wynkoop on January 21, 2025 at 11:28AM (19 days ago)
Sister Laura, thanks for sharing your writing of St. Placid at Holly House. I look forward to eventually seeing the "history."
S Lucy
Comment posted by Janice J Ariza on January 21, 2025 at 10:49AM (19 days ago)
So beautiful! I am inspired to carve out a bit more time from my busy schedule..
Happy to hear about your visit to the woods..."Writing Woods".
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