Making Something Beautiful for the World

I have always been a “maker. ” I have a photo of myself knitting at about age 3. And I loved experimenting with gluing rocks together, or coloring, or drawing, or watching my father make things. My mother wrote in my baby book, “Monika loves to work with little things. . . ” And so it continues to this day. Zentangle is an art form of the miniature.

Read the full post: Making Something Beautiful for the World


Trappist monk Thomas Merton said of his hermitage, “It is essential to experience all the times and moods of one good place. " This may not be true for all people at all times, but I have found it one of the best parts of Benedictine community life here at St. Placid Priory. Walking in our woods and around the monastery, watching the seasons change—with all that means for plant and animal life.

Read the full post: ONE GOOD PLACE

Living at St. Placid | Viviendo en el Priorato San Plácido

I am Paz Vital. My name means peace and my last name means life. I am originally from Mexico City, where I lived most of my life. I moved to the States in 2009. I planned to live with part of my family in California but work took me to Houston, Texas. I was working at the medical center doing basic research.

Read the full post: Living at St. Placid | Viviendo en el Priorato San Plácido

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